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For April
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Behavioral Interventions such as 'Planned Ignoring' is traumatic for autistic students.   No one wants their feelings and needs ignored.

Planned Ignoring is Actually Emotional Abuse | Autism | Just 1 Voice

More "Awareness" needs to be created around aversive behavioral methods still being used on autistic individuals.   Follow #stoptheshock and the bill, “Andre’s Law,” named in honor of Andre McCollins, a survivor of contingent electric shock and other forms of aversive conditioning (the practice of repeatedly and intentionally inducing pain or discomfort in an attempt to alter a person’s behavior.) Andre was sent to an out-of-state, DOE-approved facility where he was subjected to aversive conditioning and ultimately hospitalized after being tied to a board and shocked thirty-one times over seven hours. New York State continues to send children to this same facility, the Judge Rotenberg Center.

"It's estimated that over 90% of people with an intellectual disability will be the victim of sexual abuse or assault, and about half will experience sexual abuse 10 times or more in their lives.”

  • Autistic children and teenagers might not tell you that they’ve been sexually abused.

  • Signs of sexual abuse in autistic children and teenagers include emotional or behaviour changes and physical injuries.

  • Autistic children or teenagers who have been sexually abused need support to explain what has happened and express feelings.

Autism and Sexual Abuse: What to Know - FamilyEducation

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