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Connections Are Keys to Success.

Lisa Sosnowski

We are very excited to welcome to our Board of Directors, Laura Hegedus. Laura has a background in psychology and twenty nine years of experience in sales and marketing. She is a passionate and relentless advocate for her seven-year-old son and embodies a driven and entrepreneurial spirit. She also has a background in fundraisng. It is through connections and collaboration that we become stronger and we can achieve our goals. A big thank you to our Board Vice President and the Chairperson of our Board Expansion and Development Committee-Jacquelyn Hines for this big win. Sometimes there is divine timing when someone enters your life in the most unexpected of ways and provides a link in the chain that you need. Join the Movement -As a Community W.E. R.I.S.E. Many more exciting things are on our Horizon. We can't wait to share them with you.

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