Help us with our year end campaign. Release our $10,000 matching donation by taking our #tendollarchallenge today. We need you to provide a proof-of-concept weekend program for 36 autistic students based on our motor-sensory-language experiential learning approach. Help us battle against the terrible employment statistics in the autistic adult community by preparing students for marketable trades before they age out of the system. Every dollar counts toward programming.
It is so important to provide this weekend program when we go to fundraise and pitch to large donors. Stay tuned we are researching some options for our own land where we will build the Monday through Friday trade school. Donate and share across your networks. Thank you and Happy Holidays from Spectrum Tech Trade School, Village, and Training Center - The Future of Autism Education, Job Training, and Community Across the Life Span. #spectrumtechtradeschool #autismeducation #educationreform #schoolchoice #standup #unite #togetherwearestronger #togetherwecan #together #wearethechange #werise #thebestisyettocome #autismcommunity #autismvocations #vocationalschool #thefutureofautismeducation #autismjobtraining #autisticadults #amplifyautistictalent #autismacceptance